Сервер Cisco UCS C240 M3S, 2 процессора Intel Xeon 6C E5-2640 2.50 GHz, 64GB DRAM

Product code: UCS_C240M3S_2XE5-2640_64GB
Сервер, 2 процессора Intel Xeon 6C E5-2640 2.50 GHz (2.50GHz 15MB L3 Cache), 64GB DRAM, 24 отсека SAS/SATA 2.5", контроллер LSI 9271-8i

Categories: Стоечные серверы

Склад 1 / 1 шт
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 В комплект входит: 

  • Шасси Cisco UCS C240 M3 - 1 шт 
  • Процессор: Intel Xeon 6C E5-2640 (2.50GHz 15MB L3 Cache)- 2 шт
  • Память: 64GB(16x4Gb) DDR3, свободно 8 слотов.
  • 24 отсека под жесткие диски SAS/SATA 2.5"
  • Салазки для жестких дисков горячей замены - нет
  • Без жёстких дисков
  • Контроллер: LSI 9266-8i - 1 шт
  • Блоки питания 1200W - 2 шт
  • Комплект крепления в 19" стойку - 1 шт

Стоечный сервер Cisco UCS C240 M3 отличается высокой производительностью и обеспечивает возможности расширения, поддерживая любые рабочие нагрузки, связанные с высокими требованиями к ресурсам СХД. Он продается как сервер общего назначения, как сервер, совместимый с NEBS, и как устройство, ориентированное на приложения.

Chassis Two rack unit (2RU) chassis
CPU One or two Intel Xeon E5-2600 v2 or E5-2600 series processor family CPUs
Chipset Intel® C600 series chipset
Multi-bit Error Protection This server supports multi-bit error protection.
Hard drives Up to 24 front-accessible, hot-swappable, 2.5-inch SAS, SATA or SSD or up to 12 front-accessible, hot-swappable, 3.5-inch SAS, SATA drives
NIC Embedded quad-port Intel i350 PCIe-based Gigabit Ethernet controller, supporting
the following:
  • Pre-Execution Boot (PXE boot)
  • iSCSI boot
  • Checksum and segmentation offload
  • NIC teaming
Expansion slots Five PCIe slots (on two riser cards)
  • Riser 1 (PCIe slots 1, 2, and 3)
  • Riser 2 (PCIe slots 4 and 5
Internal storage devices Drives are installed into front-panel drive bays that provide hot-pluggable access.
  • Small Form Factor (SFF) drives. The server can hold up to:

24 2.5 inch (63.5 mm) SAS or SATA hard drives (HDDs) or solid state drives (SSDs) with the 24-drive backplane server configuration
16 2.5 inch (63.5 mm) SAS or SATA HDDs or SSDs with the 16-drive backplane server configuration

  • The server also contains one internal USB 2.0 port on the motherboard that you can use with a USB thumb drive for additional storage
  • UCS Storage Accelerator are also available. These PCIe flash storage devices provide independent high-speed storage
Cisco Flexible Flash drives The server supports up to two internal 32 GB Cisco Flexible Flash drives (SD cards).
The second SD card is blank and can be used to mirror the first SD card. It can be used to protect the Hypervisor Partition with RAID1.
Storage controller
  • Embedded RAID (3 Gbs)

Embedded SATA-only RAID controller, supporting up to four SATA-only drives (RAID 0, 1, 10), or 

ROM5 RAID upgrade, supporting up to eight SAS+SATA HDDs or SSDs (RAID 0, 1, 10), or

ROM55 RAID upgrade, supporting up to eight SAS+SATA HDDs or SSDs (RAID 0, 1, 5, 10).

Note that embedded RAID options can be supported only with the version of the C240 M3 SFF server that has been configured with a 16-drive backplane.

  • Mezzanine Cards (6 Gbs) - two versions

Cisco UCSC RAID SAS 2008M-8i Mezzanine Card supports up to 8 SAS+SATA drives with the 16-drive backplane or 16 SAS+SATA drives with the 24-drive backplane (this card supports a maximum of 16 drives for a RAID volume). The card supports RAID 0, 1, 5, 10, and 50 plus JBOD. This card has a product ID (PID) of UCSC-RAID-11-C240

Cisco UCSC RAID SAS 2008M-8i Mezzanine Card supports up to 8 SAS+SATA drives with the 16-drive backplane or 16 SAS+SATA drives with the 24-drive backplane (this card supports a maximum of 16 drives for a RAID volume). The card supports RAID 0, 1, and 10 plus JBOD. This card has a product ID (PID) of UCSC-RAID-MZ-240

Note that mezzanine cards are used as follows:

A mezzanine card in a 16-drive backplane system can support up to 8 drives. The reason for this is that the 16-drive backplane does not support a SAS expander

A mezzanine card in a 24-drive backplane system can support up to 16 drives, due to a 16-drive limit for a RAID volume for this card.

  • PCIe RAID Controllers (6 Gbs)

LSI MegaRAID SAS 9271-8i or 9271CV-8i 8-port PCIe RAID controller with on-board 1 GB data cache and chassis-mounted (remote) supercap for data cache power backup (supercap not present on 9271-8i), supporting RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, 60 and up to 24 internal SAS +SATA drives when configured with 24-drive backplane. When used with a 16-drive backplane version of the server, one controller can control up to 8 drives. Two controllers must be installed to control 16 drives.

LSI MegaRAID 9285CV-8e or 9286CV-8e 8-port PCIe RAID controller with on-board 1 GB cache and chassis-mounted (remote) supercap for data cache power backup, supporting RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, 60. Supports 8 external SAS ports (up to 240 external drives).

 Cisco Nytro MegaRAID 200 GB PCIe RAID controller with on-board 1 GB data cache and 200 GB flash memory. The controller supports up to 24 drives on the 24-drive backplane version of the server and supports RAID levels 0, 1, 5, 6, 10, 50, and 60. SAS + SATA drives are supported.


The Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) provides video using the Matrox G200e video/graphics controller:

  • Integrated 2D graphics core with hardware acceleration
  • DDR2/3 memory interface supports up to 512 MB of addressable memory (8 MB is allocated by default to video memory)
  • Supports display resolutions up to 1920 x 1200 16bpp @ 60Hz
  • High-speed integrated 24-bit RAMDAC
  • Single lane PCI-Express host interface running at Gen 1 speed

Rear panel

  • One RJ-45 10/100/1000 Ethernet management port, using Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) firmware
  • Four 1-GbE (10/100/1000 Mbps capable) LOM ports
  •  One RJ45 serial port connector
  • Two USB 2.0 port connectors
  • One DB15 VGA connector
  • Various PCIe card ports (dependent on which cards are installed)

Converged Network Adapter (CNA) ports
Network Interface Card (NIC) ports
Host Bus Adapter (HBA) ports

Front panel

  • One KVM co console connector (supplies two USB 2.0, one VGA, and one serial connector)
WoL The 1-Gb Base-T Ethernet LAN ports support the wake-on-LAN (WoL) standard.
InfiniBand The bus slots in this server support the InfiniBand architecture.
Front Panel A front panel controller provides status indications and control buttons
Power subsystem One power supply is required (either 650 W or 1200 W AC, or 930 W DC). An additional power supply may be ordered to provide 1+1 redundancy. The power supplies must match in a redundant power supply configuration.
ACPI This server supports the advanced configuration and power interface (ACPI) 4.0 standard.

Six hot-swappable fans for front-to-rear cooling

Power supply:
Each power supply is equipped with a fan

Integrated management processor  BMC running Cisco Integrated Management Controller (CIMC) firmware. 
Depending on your CIMC settings, the CIMC can be accessed through the 1-GbE dedicated management port, the 1 GbE LOM ports, or a Cisco virtual interface card (VIC).


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Интерфейсы Питание Физические характеристики Управление и мониторинг Характеристики
Интерфейсы 10/100/1000BaseT 4
Интерфейсы 10GBase-T 0
Напряжение питания 220V AC
Блоки питания 2
Мощность блоков питания, Вт 1200
Диапазон рабочих температур, °C от 5 до 40
Исполнение корпуса сервера 2U
Management порт 10/100/1000BaseT
Чипсет материнской платы Intel C600
Количество сокетов для процессора 2
Семество процессоров Intel Xeon E5-2600v1/v2
Тип оперативной памяти DDR3
Максимальный объем оперативной памяти, TB 0,768
Количество слотов оперативной памяти 24
Форм-фактор отсеков под жесткие диски SFF 2,5"
Количество отсеков под жесткие диски 24
Наличие салазок для жестких дисков Нет
Количество слотов расширения PCI-E 5
Наличие рельс для установки в стройку 19" Да
Socket LGA2011
Поддержка ECC памяти Да
Тип установленных радиаторов Радиатор стандартной эффективности

по выгодной цене, доставка в Киргизию, HP, Cisco, с доставкой по России, с большой скидкой, Juniper, в рассрочку, купить б/у оборудование, Dell, в магазине СетиЛенд, по низким ценам, доставка в Крым, под заказ, Intel, на гарантии, купить новое оборудование, под проект, с доставкой по Казахстану, по оптовым ценам, в Москве
Гарантия 3 месяца
Производитель CISCO
Самовывоз, доставка курьером, доставка до нужной транспортной компании.
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